Presenting to you.... Louise Neo Pei Jin

Guys, I have only one sis and I really love her. Sad to say, I've really neglected her and my condition have let my parents paying more attention to me as compared to my sis. I hope Mei Mei you'll understand this. Kor Kor is becoming a better person ok! No matter what, I really love you and I want you well! Never follow my footsteps.
Ok people, I have something to announce: I am going to watch a movie tomorrow! Hey! That is another freaking challenge and then I am going to eat dinner after that, which is followed by a trip back to my lab to see my cells.... Or rather to give them their lives! Oh yes... and I am not ashame to say that I will be catching myfirst R21 show! I am above 21 ok! I am an adult!
Hmm... Before I sleep I want to think intellectually again. Today I want to touch on graviton the theoratical particle/force mediator responsible for Gravity.
Lets review...
1. Electrcity and magnetism--> same thing--> Electromagnetic force
Force mediator: Photon
Charge: neutral
Mass: zero inertial mass
Range: intermediate
2. Strong force
Force mediator: Gluon
Charge: Colour charge
Mass: Zero???
Range: very short. Inverse power 6
3. Weak force
Force mediator: Z, W Boson
Charge: Neutral, +, -
Mass: Few to high electron mass
Charge: Neutral, +, -
Mass: Few to high electron mass
Range: short
So far, we have only "seen" photons and Bosons. Gluon cannot be easily isolated because simplyit is too highly unstable. Hypothesis says the release of strong force( like atomic bomb) will result in an almost immediate disintegration into weak force which results in particle changes, responsible for beta decays...
Now let's focus on Graviton. In theory, these force mediators could be quantified as particles, due to their interaction with matters while having, in principal, wave like properties. That is why people like to represent strong/weak force interaction as curly waves in a feynman diagram like this:
Then Graviton could in thoery have wave-like properties. Please bear in mind that when we discuss about force mediators, we are actually delving into the realms of quantum theory. In fact, if we look at the bigger picture, quantum theory has no significance. The irony is that, gravity has negligible effect in the microscopic scale, needless to say, in the quantum realm. So how are we going to quantize gravity?
It is a question that is baffling many physicists. It is einstein's dream to see his General relativity have its place in the quantum reality... Some question the analogy which motivates the introduction of the graviton. Unlike the other forces, gravitation plays a special role in general relativity in defining the spacetime in which events take place. Because it does not depend on a particular spacetime background, general relativity is said to be background independent. In contrast, the Standard Model is not background independent. In other words, general relativity and the standard model are incompatible. A theory of quantum gravity is needed in order to reconcile these differences. Whether this theory should itself be background independent, or whether the background independence of general relativity arises as an emergent property is an open question. The answer to this question will determine whether gravity plays a "special role" in this underlying theory similar to its role in general relativity.
So people aretrying very hard to reconcile the two giants.. Relativity & Quantum.... Now you have the superstring theory. Why? Because with the string concept and an approach with higher dimensions, it could be possible to find the missing link.
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