Hi angels,
it was a lovely afternoon at moral home. It was not quite the usual crowd but we did quite all right nevertheless. When I was there at 3pm (late as usual), uncle Meng Huat was at the helm of the blackjack table instead of our regular big boss uncle Song. We need a bigger table as the gambling den is attracting more Ah Kong Ah Ma in anticipation of the IRs opening. Song and Sam (S&S) were spotted on the 2nd and 3rd floor doing their rounds to PR with the residents and also some new elderly at the home.
SK can be seen running around in search for MJ kakis for our Ah Ma waiting downstair at the MJ table. Thru his crystal ball, SK had foreseen the angels turnout for this week. And so he brought along his secret weapon: Teochew Opera VCD! It worked like a charm. Ah Kong Ah Ma were glued to the TV. Meanwhile I was beaten up down left right at the checker table by uncle John. I think he misses Poh Yan, even though he tried hard to cover up his yawn of boredom.
That’s about all folks. Thanks for reading.
The story would have ended if not for our newest additions to the angels family. Introducing Desmond and Darren (D&D)! Desmond is a soccer kaki of SK, and after a brief tour of moral home, he immediately dive into action helping with the games and stuff. Darren is a friend of Josephine Neo, and he was here last week too. He took some photos of Ah Kong Ah Ma last week, and the Ah Kong Ah Ma can be seen grinning ear to ear when he handed them the developed photos this week. Hey Darren, great work! Take more photos in the future and we can put them up on the blog too.
Here are some good news for all the fans of Uncle Lee. After taking a short break at CGH chalet, uncle Lee is back at the home with even more zest, hoping to make up for the lost time at the chess table. He may even make it for the temple outing, why not? Talking about the outing, angels coordinators Shuhua and Huixian were running around auditioning our Ah Kong Ah Ma for the outing. They were also thinking aloud wondering WHY angels have not replied to their email on their attendance for the outing. Hey angels, you know who you are…
And last but not least, despite the low turnout for the 1st sports day of 2008, we did manage to enjoy ourselves thoroughly. Uncle Song conducted a badminton clinic, and I learnt how to hold a racket properly for the 1st time of my life! Nice. Credit goes to the welfare committee and Dietitian angels for making the sports day possible.
Cheers! Have a nice week ahead!
Jin Xiong
Today I had lunch with Mr Steven again. haha! He is quite a quiet friendly guy. Ok Today I ventured on my own method to recover my DNA.. It does seem to work!
Rather anxious for tomorrow's ELISA 2J expt. Look at this:

Lots of hard work just for the preparation alone... I hope for a good result tml.. Dealing with two plates ok! Do hear lots of timer beeping!
Good nite!
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