I had an early breakfast and had a good night's sleep! Before my tuition lesson, I chance upon an ugly article, reporting the case of Susilo and Lee Jia Wei. I knew it would be an unhappy marriage right from the start. Love is not money ok!
Today's lesson was slightly different. I concentrated more on techniques of solving questions and on practice problems. Then, I was actually quite frustrated at one point while teaching because he doesn't seem to put in any effort into reading up his note and memorizing the key points. What I taught him, doesn't seem to internalize. Kind of sad if you see that what you have put in so much patience and care is rejected by someone. What teachers want at the end of te day is to see their students do well. I am quite disappointed in him and then I spent about 15 mins talking to him after the tuition. After a man to man talk with him, I realized that he was more or less lapsing into my condition... I asked him whether he feels guilty when he did not exercise. He nodded.I realy empathize how he feels when I was at his stage. Of course, I am worse and my compulsions were so great that I even did crunches in ICU. So I knew what I should do and I did what I had to do... To be a friend and no longer a "teacher", to tell him about being aware of the addiction of exercise and knowing what's the LIMIT. I told him that there are better things in life that we can spend our time on. After the session, he seemedhappierand closer to me. There was no tension between us. I really hope he can register what I said: Please focus on your studies, not sports! Haha.. butI know how hard it is to kill the compulsion. Come to think of it, I have let down my parents too. They have showered care and concern for me but I have rejected them. After turning over with this new life, I really cherish this family andI don't want their efforts to go down to the drain..(p.s. To Justine: This is exactly what you told me. Think about what my parents have done for me)
Hey! I tried Ba Chang (Chinese Glutinous Rice Dumplings) today! Wha for a very very long time... This item has not entered my mouth. Ok... I was kinda daunted when I touched the leaves covering the dumpling- They were oily and greasy and yucky.... Hmmm ED thoughts? But I went to wash the dumpling in water... Thinking it will wash away some oil (silly me) and then I stop short of these little action and tell myself to just enjoy the food. So I melt some cheese on top and place some sauce beside it. Wow. actually it is damn nice la! However, what is still difficult for me is the chunks of fats that really irks me. I sort of pas them to my daddy, who gobbled them up. Haiz.. When can I overcome this truama or is it ok to remove skins and fats? Not that I feel fat after eating them; It is just that I hate the texture of the fats and just feel wierd if I ever bite into one. It is just like biting into a piece of ginger. (I know, bad analogy)
Ok guys.. I am off to do some maths.. Bye bye!
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