Splendid. My Enzyme avidin-HRP has arrived!

Yeah. More arsenal for ELISA trail. Today's Elisa is a hidden success. At least I've isolated the problem and I've got the actual conditions for saturation and now it is just left with a few tweaking of conditions here and there to get a good range of absorbance value for my IFN standard curve.
I had A stupid april fool's joke from See Jye. He bluff me by tricking meinto believing that my samples are contaminated. Wha lau! Scare the hell out of me la.. I work so hard ok!
Then something funny happened to my colleague today- You can say that it is an April Fool's scare: My colleague, Swan Li, was doing lab safety duty this afternoon. I was at level 3 lab and she popped by to check the overhead emergency shower. All of a sudden, the system was oversensitive (I think) and it started to gave her a cold shower. She was like screaming for help la! So cute!
ok... At least helped to mop the floor not just laugh.
I saw myself staring infront of many many excel sheets and decided to take a picture to ease my stress. Yeah! To Peggy--> this is how I look now! A bit more meaty right?
OK man. Tml myblood test. Wish me all the best!
Take care people!
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