Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Lovely Mum

I really want to dedicate this Blog post to my mum.

She is a woman of tenacity, of strength and courage. I've pick up both good and bad traits from her, albeit a little less from my dad! Mum and I have walk through a rather intereseting journey with me, and I must admit that these 22 year must not have been smooth-saling. However tulmultous the path may be, her undaunted spirit lingers.

Fortitude and determination is her ethos. She firmly belief in having full confidence in everything that one does.

I take pride in whatever she has contributed to this family, being a hardcore engineer and then sacrifising her highly held glory to become an unsung hero- A Housewife.

Today's newspaper shows how much a housewife should be paid if all errands were accounted for.. It summed up to be like $23000 a month. There is a catch here... Why such a high pay where a common maid could only command a monthly pay of $500? The ultimate truth is that mothers are just irreplacable, they really do more than house keeping. They give their hearts out when it comes to the well being of each family member. Being A housewife is not an easy task and I respect all housewifes.

The Lord has been good to me. Everytime when there is a major crisis in life, I aways know that my mum is my shelter and she is God-given. She is my safety haven, my temple of solace. Nothing can replace her.

My you have always been there for me. I really love you! I will do you proud!

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