Yeah! Just got more emails form friends in Cornell wishing me well. Thank you pals..! One of the most important person I've gotta thank is Yuan Hong. He was the one who save my life back in Cornell. He was the one who woke me up from my disillusionment. Now, as a friend he even helped me with my housing rental, ap problem which I have dragged my friends down. He is one true friend that I can rely on. I also use his words as a statement to preach to thos out there who had similar experience as me or having suicidal thoughts- "Darren, You have a loving family that supports you. You have only this one life and you should cherish your life with them while there are still alive" -Yuan Hong. He then told me that his Dad passed away when he was 5. He is really a mature thinker.
Yes. I look forward to everywork day, as usual, because I am just an avid fan of research. Frankly speaking, today will not be that busy. Although responsibility is still there, I've got much more free time. What... FREE TIME! haha. Dun worry. Now I have mastered the art of managing my time. There is no such thing as free time. Time is just flowing and everyone has a fixed amount of it. It is just like the idea of free smses. It is not really free. So today, I went to do the necessary cell work in the morning. Guess what.. I saw See Jye again. Seriously, he is quite hardworking too.. always come as early as me to the lab.
I got a shock when I was using the Level 3 CEDEX machine. My cell count was registered ZERO. WTF! Out of all the hysteria, I saw a tag beside the screen- "CEDEX Spoilt" wha.. make me worry for nothing. Luckily See Jye told me there is another CEDEX at level 2 if not I have to resuspense my cell to do another harvest and manually count them again.
Then in the afternoon, I enjoyed my lunch with my lunch buddies from level 4. So long never go with them le. Because now I am stationed at level 3. As usual the funny John and the cheery Cherie plus cool Natasha was an entertaining bunch. They told me about their experience in Bintan and sharing their own scandals with me. This Cherie was like so happy to be taking leave for Japan. Then I ask her whether she would be keen on a trip to taiwan... She was actually quite keen on it. She even said she don'y mind sharing a room with Us(FU and me). wha... damn daring lei! haha.. Cherie has been very nice to me.. I can say she is one of the most helpful staff around and I always say she is my LADY LUCK. Whenever I ran out of reagent or accessories, bumping into her is an instant panacea to my woes. haha! Her good mornings in the labs really start my days!
Ok then after lunch, I pleaded Dr Ng to take a look at my supposed contaminated sample. To my relief, my BOSS confirm.. I say again.. Dr Ng confirm that it is not contamination!!!! Yeah. It is actually cell clump. Wha.. Phew if not my 22 days of effort will just go down to the drain. I almost threw my sample away when Janice told me with conviction that it is a contamination. Luckily, I ask the BOSS.
Today, actually I would like to lay down some of my theoretical pursuit that has been ongoing in my mind. It seemed to fascinate me. I treat theoretical physics and mathematics as part of my grand interest, something which would last throught my entire life.
I love to think and this is one reason why I think too much. haha. But this is a postive example ok! One might think what can theoretical physics do to the society. Frankly speaking, it only satisfy curiousity. Take for example, Fermat Last theorem. Andrew Wiles was the man who solved it. But what good did it do to the world? it only say a^n+b^n+c^n not equals to d^n in antoher words, pythagoras theorem does not extend to pwers beyond two. I mean what use is there to tell everyone that an equation beyong the power of two do not exist? Hmmm. ok. But what actually happened, as when I read the book about Fermat, is that what is contributing to the mathematics society is the new way to solving problems and a twisted approach which in the end solidified another area of mathematics. Andrew made use of elliptical and normal equations to solve it.
Ok, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce my area of interest:
1. Fourier analysis and wavelets
2. Schrodinger equation and Hilbert space (quantum mechanics)
3. Higher dimension
4. Vector calculus and Tensor
Ultimately, I have a goal which is congruent to that of Einstein- To Find the equation that binds the four fundamantal forces of the world- Strong & weak nuclear force, electro magnetic force and gravity. Of which, gravity is the most difficult to grasp and link to the rest. Because of gravity, it seems that physics has enter a state of confusion when the quantum theory and general relativity have a growing lapse. Many have been trying to sew the two together but all have seen their effort gone to waste. Even Eistein tried to scribble the last few of his working before his death.
Ok. Why that four general topics? Actually it is all linked. Linking and making logical relation is the essence of science. That is what an equation all about. It equates or links the LHS to the RHS.
So why am I thinking of this four topics? It is because I find that these topics tend to inter-relate to one another to unravel the mystery of higher dimensions which woul simplify equations. We would need Fourier for the expression of particles as wave packets(superposition of sinusodal waves) and schrodinger to take care of the quantum mechanics portion. Then I need to extend this into higher dimensions, whereby vector calculus really simplifies a hell lot of things... Just look at Maxwell's equation for example, beautifully simplified electricity and magnetism in time and space into vector relations.
Lastly, Tensor would take us to even higher dimensions which is somewhat difficult to analyse because of our mental constrain. We live in our 3D world. We find it hard to add another spatial dimension. Some think that time is the other dimension but they are only half correct. Time to me is progressive and temporal. You cant really fix time unless you are travelling at the spped of light. So it doesn't make sense to extend a phyical object with an element of time. Think of the hassle that would arise when I say that " this ice block measure 3cm by 4cm by 8cm by 0 sec since measurement" I mean time is progressive so as long as the object remains with time, temporal dimensions can be neglected. The complication comes when object moves at high speed-- near speed of light. Spatial dimesion seemed to be compromised together with time. Time can be dilated, lengths can contracted. So together we call them space-time.
Ok. Now on why study higher dimension. There are several things that are left unexplained by physics. The big Bang(inflationary version) is one of them. Some mentioned with the help of advanced modern theory like superstring or m-brane theory that our actually universe consist of 10 or more dimensions... wowowowo.....
Let's go easy first. Let's try to visualize an additional spatical dimension.
Today, I will just discuss this because I would still want some time for study and not blog all the time. I just want to post an illustration.

Suppose you live in a 1D world. You can only move front or move backwards. So in your world you move from point A to Point B as on the diagram, with your path following the curve. Your vision tells you that this is the only path and the shortest path to get from A to B. But a friendly creature from the 2nd Dimension visited you and told you that you are actually walking "around" an "area". ok. You are confused by those two words. In your world there is only ahead and behind, there is only path but what the hell is area to you? So you begain to realise that what you have been doing all these years is to take a longer path and people from higher dimension are having an easier life by travelling straight from A to B instead of your circumvention.
Ok end of story. So what if We consider ourselves to be living in a 3D world and people from 4th Dimension comes to visit us? They would tell us that we are not making full use of space. Imagine, Singapore is so packed! how much more can we squeeze? But according to that "Hyper being" What we are locating ourselves with is only a projection of his hypervolume onto one of the volume.
Ok let's end with some maths...
-in 2D.... y=f(x)
-in 3D.... z=f(x,y).. to visualize this 3D surface, we can project it onto a level surface by making z a constant. Suppose z=x^2+y^2, so x^2+y^2=c--> this is a plane circle at a helight of z=c. So if we keep changing c to a range oof values, we can roughly visualize a segment of what the object looks like in 3D by superpositioning all level surfaces.
-in 4D.... w=f(x,y,z).. So now instead of drawing level surfaces, we have series of "Level" volumes. Haha.. just go and visualize an expanding sphere... try to superimpose them.
The point that I am making here is that the link between unexplained science maybe the fact that this invisble dimension is holding the secret. How can one photon split into two to form interference? But when one tries to intervene by trying to disclose which path is the photon taking, the interference pattern dissapears. How is one photon able to communicate with one another... faster than speed of light??? Quantum entanglement is one of the greatest conundrum of the new millenium. Looks like if an extra dimension can shorten distance....... it might not be travelling at spped of light even...