My morning started powerfully with mum's beef soup with bread. It was really good. I feel the power. Come on.. It is time to built more muscles by the ang moh diet! Haha. Then I had a good rest before I went to teach my tuition kid.
Today's tuition was quite different. Today, we used half of the session for test paper discussion. I made him more frustrated by revealing more mistakes in his answers.. Oh no! But quite dissapointing you know. I actually went through the same question with him before and he anyhow put an answer. Hmmm. I really want to help him!
My tuition kid, although lazy.. I think he is not lazy on purpose but he really packed his activities to the brim. Hmmm. Today, he gave me a physics TYS and told me that I can pass it to my sis. Yup... Thanks anyway!
Then I had my lunch and head to my office at BioPolis. Wha. Today I have to juggle between 3 plates of cells. Quite curious how my promoted cells would be like. When I did my cell count.... to my gretest relief... the viability of my ID and IDP cells were rather high! Looks like they are happy with me!
Guess what, I am not the only one in lab.. Who's there????? Mr See Jye.. so Sway! why must I see him everytime!!!! Lucky I used the CEDEX machine before him. Frankly speaking, he is actually a very nice person, just that he is not tactful enough.

I leave office also see him! Come on man. He really is my new office buddy le. Sorry Janice! No la.. Janice is still myl ady boss! YES MADAM!
Now for the part of the day that I am looking forward to. Not about servicing my phone, but after that! I am meeting one of my classmate that I am really impressed with. Recently, her words meant a lot to me; they intrigued me and enlightened me. I will live up to be the best that I can be, to take care and love thyself and to love my family and friends around me. Today, my meet up with her is a thing that I am very proud of. Why? It has been around two years since I approach a girl for a meet up. I manage to overcome my crazy self, to slow down my life and apreciate company, enjoy talking with friends. Oh yes, my classmate, Josephine, is different. She is sincere and speaks words of wisdom into me. Her presence is my motivation. Yes, I thank the Lord for this Easter day, for ressurecting the Dead Darren to a lively yoman again! Yes! I am no longer against any girls or being chauvanistic. I want to be a gentleman and not be afraid to talk to girls!
Josephine is so nice to me! Truely, I will cherish someone like her! Oh yes, we ate at NYDC--> A true challenge for me. Ms Boon would be very happy to hear this. Give me a star ok? I am glad that I really enjoy the session chatting with her, sharing our thoughts about food, about my condition, about our future and about life. So much so that I don't even havethe slightest feeling of guilt with the indulgence infront of me. I ate a BandAid Mudpie and ice cream. Wow. Ice cream never taste so good. I always looked for low fat ice cream or yogurt.. I really lost touch of cream. The mudpie was heavenly.... It was choc, nuts, fruits, cream and cool ice cream. Wow. Where did I get this courage from??? Must be Josephine la! haha!

Delicious right! Yeah! Now I will be more open for these stuff! NExt challenge--> Oily food
Josephine was so nice to company me to select a birthday present for Dad. I bought a nice nike, cool looking bag for daddy, plus a sleek nike bottle. The cost doesn't matter. What matter is the heart. The passion to give the best for my Dad. But the biggest present for dad is still a complete recovery!
Haha! Time flies and we have to go back! Actually saw Randy along the way... He looked busy!
ok. I am very glad that today went well. I am very proudof my food diary today. Why?
There is no more so called structure already. I eat when I am hungry!
Food Diary:
Breakfast: Minced Beef soup + Bread
Lunch: Niang Dou Fu with Yam Rice
Snack: Auntie Anne's Almond caramel pretzel
Dinner(more or less): MudPie+ Icecream+ Hazelnut elephancino
Supper: Muesli and granola Bar with milk
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