Meeting Cum Birthday celebration!--> Nice choco fudge cake!

Oh yes... Gonna upload some pictures from BTI here! Mr See Jye not happy ar...
Tonight I actually did something very positive (on my own definition), which is to solve some very difficult math problems... Really keep my mind focus man!
Actually on my way home, I was quite dissapointed with myself for screwing up my previous ELISA expt. I went to dilute 100 times instead of 250 due to a clculation error. No wonder my standard curve saturates so fast at 1000pg/ml standard. I sms Dr Ng to ask for "forgiveness". He is so merciful and he saidwe all make mistake and so cherish it by learning from it!
Ok are you guys ready for some high level thinking?
This afternoon, I was having some thoughts about parallel universe and graviton. The term parallel universe is actually kind of inappropriate because I take these universes from Hawking's point of view--> making Instances of different universe as probability, which means when we step into our very moment, what is infront of our eyes is actually the superposition of the wavefunction of the Universe! Wha. I was thinking whether this Forth spatial dimension could be that of the probability and that is why we can't view it. This is analoguos to the uncertainty principle. So when we want to observe exactly the universe of the next moment, the wavefunction collapses to give the observation,which is the universe that actually occur to you. In Dirac notation, it actually mean that A Hermitian operator is being applied to the wavefuntion and being projected into real space. Thus the imaginary space could be what we are looking for: The fourth dimension....
So we are saying, equivalently, that our Universe that materialises at this very instant, is the specific solution to a complex Fourier Series solution. The rest of the solutions are hidden in this volumous "extra dimension" waiting to be the one that would be the choosen one to be "observed".
A sudden thought dawn upon me! Could this be the way to explain Big Bang. Wait wait wait... Wha.. I am thinking a lot man. Going crazy le... Why do I say so...? See if big band actually occurs, there should be equal amount of matter and anti-matter produced. Why is it that we only observe matter in our universe and that anti matter can only be created (not found naturally)? ok this is a little bit complex
What I assume is theat uncertainty principle is making us dizzy. As we all know, Uncertainty principle can be expressed in terms of energy-time relation. When big bang happened, Vast amount of energy is converted into mass, creating matter/anti-matter pair. At various instances, the universe is expanding, which means to allow the observation of the universe, the parallel universemust constantly superimpose to give what is reality. The thing is we can very sure about the time frame of activities of the expanding universe and the certainty of energy levels becomes hazy. (compromise) So out of luck(probability), energy flux tends to the creation of matter. From then on, matter creation becomes more probable and soon, matter outnumbers anti-matter. And now we've got a stable matter-universe. (because probability of the anti-matter universe being observed is super hell low)
Ok. Then why is it that we observe equal pair production for a single photon? All I can say is that the energy level of one photon is so low compared to that which is needed to create the universe. Now time is the uncertainty. haha.. guess I am baffling you people.. Take a break, have a food diary man.
Food Diary:
Breakfast: bread with cheese and a glass of milo
Snack: almond nuts with muesli
Lunch: Wanton noodles
Snack: Choco cake
Dinner: Corned beef/pork + cabbage
Supper: muesli
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