It has been a while since I last log anything about myself. Hey, keeping a diary is cool because it makes me more aware of myself. Let me tell you all something... Stay happy! Because life is short and so live it to the fullest! I had messed up my life before, dragging my soul through the bottomless pit. Guess what? God redeemed me again and i was given a new lease me life; a new bearing which i could head towards to. Seeking balance is my weakness. Now that i have 'moderated' my life, i am starting to enjoy life, my friends and family, and most importantly, understanding thyself. As i start to slow down my life, my impatience becomes history. I began to appreciate many things, to gain back my abundant life! Music, chatting, reading and even girls... Oops.. It's natural la... Come on.. I'm a guy!
Ok enough of moralistic views.. Let me recount what happened today.
Morning was great! I was slightly early for my departure for work and so.... NO NEED TO SQUEEZE ON THE STUPID MRT! Wha... Singaporean are singaporeans man. We can never learn how to be courteous. There's no "Excuse me" or "Sorry" in our vocabulary.
Haha... When I was about to reach Buona Vista, guess what? I met Neo Meilin! haha.. she had that sleepy look-->Normal Uni student. It is always NML.. I just met her last week.. Well I guess it's a small world after all.
My morning was busy man. When I reached my office table, my supervisor left me my type-written Transfecion protocol with some remarks... Dr Ng, you are damn nice man! Dr Ng is a really nice guy-He's got the patience, the manners and the brains (That's pretty obvious) In this world, if you are clever but you have low EQ, that's not gonna bring you far in life. Ever since I was on my road to recovery, Dr Ng has always been my source of inspiration. Thanks Dr Ng for entrusting me with lots of responsibility. I feel proud of myself and I enjoy working with you!

Ya it was busy though. I started my morning with editting the protocol and then took slightly more than 1 hour to prepare for this complicated experiment. By the way, I have only seen the demostration once and now I have to perform the experiment all on my own, unsupervised.
However, I was feeling damn good about it.... HEY I DID MY OWN EXPT!!! Wow! I have long felt so great man.
Then 1 O'Clock came by quickly and I met up with my parents at Matrix building for lunch... It was splendid. I ate western food (Surprise surprise). I was initially shocked by the portion size (HUGE) but eventually, I ate almost everything except for a few strands of spagatti... Not bad le la!
After a gratifying meal, we head down to SGH. The doctors were so glad that I've change so much and my mood was rocket high. Just yesterday, I made a commitment to cut off artificial sweeterners and non-fat food products. It is another warfront with the ED voice in my brain. Get lost Devil, I am Darren Neo, the one that is choosen by the blood of the Lamb! The psychiatrist was so positive about my improvements that she scheduled my next appointment to next month.
Come to think of it. Family support and love is so important. I really love my family. I've changed so much because I was really touched by the painstaking effort to see me through this. Their hearts were sored but they persevered. They wept for me, not for sorrow, but for the happiness that I am motivated to get well.
Soon, after the collection of my medication, we head home.. Dad deserves a good rest while I deserve some snacks. I ate a piece of bread with cheese and challenged myself with some sugar with the cheese. YUM YUM..... Plus some Taiwan Mochi that my Dad bought. What a savoury snack! ok ok.... Then I went on to read the Newspapers. I was looking out for a few articles: One on Malaysia's election, one on American's presidential election and of course, our beloved fugitive- Mas Selamat (Hari Raya) Kastari. I was hoping some good critics in the forums but there were none today. Talking about America, the US currency fell big time man. Looks like my account in US is gonna suffer.. Not going to withdraw now.. will make a big loss. As for the presidential race, my heart goes on for Obama. I think with his reign, the Global influence and outlook of US will change. I trust that his econs is good.. Please rescue America from the subprime issues and hedge funds... With his representation, I hope America will become less irksome to some anti-US countries.
Mas Selamat, where are you? People are giving out bounties for your head! But pretty impressive to escape unscath for a week. Hmmm where could he be man? Surviving like a tarzan I supposed?
Alright, close to dinner and so I decided to show of someof my culinary skills to my mum by helping her with the dishes. I must say that I have some cooking mastery man! My vegetables turn out to have some Italian streak after I modified the normal stir- fred cabbage with ham, hotdogs, cheese, cashew nut..... and you know what.. I even add milk powder.... wierd right but it tasted real good!
While my night ended with some late grocery shopping with Mum and it was quite an experience for me because it was the first time that I had to pick food which has no annotations of "Low Fat" or"Non-Fat/Fat-free" or"Sugar-Free" or "Loose weight" whatever..... Hey I do need some fats man.
My night ended well with some nice and naughty SMS from someone that I have a strong feeling for. Haha.. she really brighten up my night. DIE! How to sleep with a high heart rate???
Well- Sweet dreams then... :P
Food Diary:
Breakfast-Two pieces of bread with ham and cheese+A cup of milk
Snack-Oat Bran with whole milk
Lunch-Grilled Fish+Bake beans+Coleslaw+Spaghetti+1/2 serving of Pulot Hitam+Sour sop fruit
Snack-A piece of Bread with cheese and sugar+2 Mochi
Dinner- Vegetable delight**+Sardine with tomatoes+ a bowl of rice
Supper- Cornflakes with milk
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