Saturday, March 15, 2008

Optimizing my weekends

Hey hey.. I slept at 1230am last night and I woke up at 730am this moring.. Still I feel so alive! I really feel so much hearty these days. My weight had certainly increased (I hope in a good way) and I am more confident of my recovery. Wow. Waking up with such a positive mood is really cool. Furthermore, I got to see my wonderful daddy back from work in the morning! He is my MOTIVATOR! I Love My Dad. Really. Sometimes I really wish that time can take on a negative sign. I want to twist the arrow of time so that I can go back to erase all the bad moments I had with my Dad and the bad/irreverent attitude towards him. Come to think of it-->I am Blind.

Let me tell all of you that my dad is really a wonderful person. Selflessness is one of his traits and he is really humble and well-mannered.I must say that Dad, I love you and thanks for motivating meto change int a better person. Moreover daddy, you've changed too (for good of course!) You have become more open and frank towards me and because of this incident, our hearts tend to sync better. Thanks Dad. I wanna give you a good 14th of April surprise!

Ok. Back to the mornings.... Yup. I went to teach my lazy tuition kid at 11am but I extended my lesson time till 130pm. I really want him to do well but ultimately, it al depends on how much effort he puts in. Then my lovely parents picked me up for a munch at Eunos and then send me to Biopolis to tend to my Transfected cells.

Yeah!My cells looks healthy and thriving! Ok so guai.. so I shall give you 1 mL more of media, warmed up specially for you at exactly 37 degrees celsius! Haha. Oh yes and my newly prepared media is sterile! yeah can use le!

After that, I went to NUS open house. Not that cool after all. The same orange handbag and the noisy crowd.
The band was playing one of my fav songs- Starlight, by Muse. After the rock and roll, I went to treat myself with some gelato icecream... yummy durian and vanilla flavour. $4.30 haha
ok ok. I have to head back home. Went to buy some groceries first because mum not feeling well and I don't want her to be lugging groceries. pains my heart... later massage her!
This time, I bought some choc back...something rare huh... Some for me, some for my colleagues on the easter week!
Ok.. Tonight must do something productive. I will be working on some powerpoint later.. hehe see ya!

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