Monday, April 7, 2008

Yeah! My Handphone is repaired

Happy!!! I hope my phone is not going to give me more troubles! Today's tuition was quite delightful. I received praises from my tutee's mother saying that Kathy has actually improved! Well although one test doesn't prove that point but at least it is a good initial step! I must say that Kathy's hard toiled effort has much to be accounted for. As a tuition teacher, my only wish is to see my students get good results but at the same time, enjoy learning that subject. I tried to teach my students technique instead of knowledge because with soft skills and the ability to analyze, one can tackle a myraid of problems.

Today I speak of being busy. Then I thought of the phrase- Do not let your mind idle. Yes, my uncle say that to me. It is something not about productivity; it is about keeping your mind rooted to being righteous. Tough but an essential task.

Right now, I am given more responsibility. Dr Ng really trusts me so much. I really respect him too. He is a flexible and righteous supervisor!

Ok guys here's my food diary!

Breakfast: Oats
Snack: peanut butter bread
Lunch:Fish Ban Mee with meat dumplings
Snack: MILO
Dinner: Rice+black pepper pork+cabbage+tofu+carrot soup
Supper: Muesli

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