Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Way to go...!

This Morning while climbing the freaking slope up to Biopolis, I saw Dr Janet and immediately greeted her! Then you know what her said.... She said " Darren, you seemed to be so happy every moment!" Dr Janet, is one of the first few scientist that I've got acquainted with when I stepped into BTI.. This Friday will be her last here in BTI. She will be leaving us for Germany and she revealed That she will be starting her new job right away on next Monday.

Today got quite a lot of cell work to manage. There's bad and good news... Good news is that My ID sample has promoted to the shake flask level! The bad news is that my I sample has demoted to 24 wells/5 days cycle. haha.. Looks like my weekends are burnt of by this job. But you know what? Passion, purpose and Drive is what leads me on!

I've got ACT general meeting at 2 to 4pm. Then we are celebrating Mariati's and Wan ping's birthday after that... Haha. The meeting was a session of translational practice for me. All of them seemed to be speaking a foreign language. I really can't decode what biological terms they are engaging on. So I just have to keep the question marks to myself. At the end of the meeting, Janice went to take out the beautiful choco cake. (haha Ms boon, it's another sinful pleasure)
Manage to take a few picture and talk to our main stars for today!

Hmmm. When I was back to my desk, Dr Ng told me to decide my own next ELISA expt.. Wha he is giving me full autonomy man. You know what, he is super busy today man. He looked enclosed in level 5 lab for the whole day. Good good.. looks like I've got business to plan!

Then I received a special email, which I will not reveal much of its content but I am just going to say that it is always comforting to know that there are people around you facing the same problems... But the heart of the matter is that through mutual motivation, problems could be overcomed easier. To those who is suffering eating disorder or other psychological disorder, have faith in yourself and look at the positive side of your recovery! You have only this one life, so cherish yourself and your body!

Before I end here, I want you people to know the Body Peace treaty:

-Remember that the sun will still rise tomorrow even if I had one too many slices of pizza or an extra scoop of ice cream tonight.
-Never blame my body for the bad day I'm having.
-Stop joining in when my friends compare and trash their own bodies.
-Never allow a dirty look from someone else to influence how I feel about my appearance.
-Quit judging a person solely by how his or her body looks — even if it seems harmless — because I'd never want anyone to do that to me.
-Notice all the amazing things my body is doing for me every moment I walk, talk, think, breathe...
-Quiet that negative little voice in my head when it starts to say mean things about my body that I'd never tolerate anyone else saying about me.
-Remind myself that what you see isn't always what you get on TV and in ads — it takes a lot of airbrushing, dieting, money, and work to look like that.
-Remember that even the girl who I'd swap bodies with in a minute has something about her looks that she hates.
-Respect my body by feeding it well, working up a sweat when it needs it, and knowing when to give it a break.
-Realize that the mirror can reflect only what's on the surface of me, not who I am inside.
-Know that I'm already beautiful just the way I am.

Love yourself and those who care about your well being!

Take care!

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